


[rɪˈbʌf] Polonha (Varsòvia) : escotar « rebuff »


 Nom comun

rebuff (plural : rebuffs)

  1. Arrebecada; rebecada; rebufada.
  • exemples:
I have seen him wringing his hands after such a rebuff, and I am sure the annoyance and the terror he lived in must have greatly hastened his early and unhappy death.[1]
— Que l'èi vist a's tòrcer las mans après ua tau arrebecada e que soi solide lo betum e la terror que vivèva, qu'accelerèn la soa mort prematurada e trista.[2]


Temps Forma
Infinitiu to rebuff
Present, 3ena pers. del sg rebuffs
Preterit rebuffed
Participi passat rebuffed
Participi present rebuffing


  1. Arrebecar; rebecar; rebufar.


  1. Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island, cap. 1, 1883, ed. 2010, Wikisource
  2. Felip Richard (trad.), L'Isla deu tesaur, 2009, per noste, Ortès, ISBN 978-2-86866-066-4, p. 10